
Richard Glenn

I am pleased to present the Justice and Community Safety Directorate’s (JACS) Annual Report for 2020-21. This report outlines how we as a Directorate we serve our community, the ACT Government, and our Ministers in the pursuit of our vision for a safe, justice and resilient community.

In 2021-21 the ACT community, and JACS, continued to adapt to the evolving situation caused by COVID-19. The year commenced with eased restrictions and Canberrans were able to enjoy greater freedoms. By the end of the year the ACT community had turned an eye to other jurisdictions, with significant outbreaks occurring. 2020-21 demonstrated the need to continue to be flexible and responsive in our service delivery and I am proud of the way JACS has achieved this and how responsiveness has been embedded in the way we do our work.

This report outlines the progress we have made on a broad range of policy and operational initiatives undertaken over the reporting period. I am pleased to report that significant progress has been made across all output classes.

Looking forward, JACS will continue to support the Government’s response to COVID-19 and advice the commitments in the Parliamentary and Governing Agreement for the 10th Legislative Assembly. We will do this with an eye on progressing our vision for the Canberra community.

I would like to share my gratitude to the JACS staff, volunteers and statutory office holders for their continued willingness and dedication to serving our community. I extend my thanks and appreciation to all the people who contribute to the services we provide.

Richard Glenn