Reforms to Tenancy and Occupancy Laws in 2023

The ACT Government has reformed Canberra’s residential tenancy laws so that they are clearer, fairer and deliver better outcomes.

The Residential Tenancies Legislation Amendment Act 2023 (the Amendment Act) was passed by the ACT Legislative Assembly in March 2023. The Amendment Act is available on the ACT Legislation Register here.

What are the changes to residential tenancy laws?

Changes commencing from 1 April 2023 include:

  • Landlords may no longer issue 'no cause' eviction notices. New grounds to end a tenancy have been introduced to support landlords to manage their properties effectively.
  • Landlords and agents are prohibited from soliciting rent bids and rental properties must be advertised at a fixed rental rate.
  • Tenants now have a greater freedom to grow their own food and compost.
  • A new energy efficiency standard for ceiling insulation in rental homes has been introduced.
  • New rules have been introduced to support compliance with the new ceiling insulation standard and any future minimum housing standards for rental homes.

Fact sheets

The Government has prepared fact sheets to help people navigate the new changes.

These provide general information only and are not suitable for legal advice on your individual circumstances.

Standard  residential tenancy terms

The Standard Residential Tenancy Terms that will apply to all new residential tenancies and existing periodic tenancies from 1 April 2023, are available here. Also available in word doc.

The Standard Residential Tenancy Terms that apply in specific circumstances, including the following Standard Residential Tenancy Terms, are available here. Also available in word doc.

How you had YourSay

The ACT Government undertook two rounds of community consultation on these reforms.

In 2021 Canberrans were invited to provide feedback through YourSay on the questions set out in a Consultation Paper.

The Listening Report on the feedback to the Consultation Paper is available on YourSay here.

In 2022, the ACT Government invited feedback on a Public Exposure Draft of the Residential Tenancies Legislation Amendment Bill 2022.

The Listening Report on the feedback can be found on YourSay here.

Thank you to everyone who engaged with us during the consultations.

The valuable feedback received through these consultation processes informed the ACT Government's approach to residential tenancy reforms.